Wednesday 14 November 2012

Galaxy Note 2 will fail against Iphone 5 only if you are an 'isheep'

The iphone 5 is great if you want to be another
 'isheep' - the Galaxy note 2,while it may be a
niche market,as FAR more powerful than the
already outdated-as -of-launch-date iPhone 5
,and will allow you to customize the phone
 WITHOUT voiding your warranty.

To the apple fan-boys that will undouted flame
me,yes I've used iphone.i owend a 3GS for
3 months and SOLD the iphone 3G when it was
 BRAND NEW!There was so much hype over
how much the phone could do, and how great it
 was, that i was actually very let down by the
phone overall.I had to jail-break my phone, and
 thus void my warranty to do basic things that
any other phone could do at that time
without the loss of the warranty!

And you wanna play the 'it has aaps' game?
Great!Android has roughly 90% of the same apps-for free!Very rarely do you see an andoird
app that costs more than $3.99 - as opposed to NEARLY EVERY app store app asking for that,
and more!So,why would I want to go to an already outdated device,while playing a huge
premium for it??I dont understand that.

OH,BTW Apple fan-boys,your iOS took 3 FULL GENRATION to reach the ability to cut &
PASTE!yeah!3 Full os revisions for something that any other,FAR less expensive 'inferior'
phone could do.

Speaking of things your can't do.change the wallpaper on the desktop.Granted I will agree that i haven't used iOS device last since the iphone 4,but at that point still,a couldn't add a custom desktop background image.
sure i could a 'custom' lock screen, but thts the extend of the custmization i was able to do. change the font
to something more readable perhaps by enlarging the font size? NOT A CHANCE! change the font to something i like better than perhaps helvicta?keep dreaming-unless i jail broke the device.

So, pretty much!what i'm trying to say with this long winded rant in this: the iOS isn't the end all,be all that you think it is.Yes,it has pretty pictures and yes,the iphone has one of,it not the prettiest screen honstly.
once you peel all the way and actually use the will find that pretty much ANY android device
can do the same things,usally faster,for less money and with less battry drain.

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